Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I thought Mondays were busy??!!

It's been a very productive 2 days up here in Charlotte and I am looking at the clock wondering where time has gone AGAIN? The last 2 days have been filled with getting quotes from contractors (for our house in Augusta,) working on quotes here in Charlotte for a house we might possibly build, researching daycare, schools and doctors. Somewhere in between there we've been trying to get Hamilton & Jackson fed, clothed, bathed, exercised, night night and oh yeah, I can't forget to mention that work has been getting even crazier. Whew! A glass of wine would be really good right about now.

Chili is really working hard to get the boys on a good routine during the day. As a result the last 2 nights have been much more pleasant. I have to say our boys have been such troopers riding around with us at night while we look for houses but I know they are ready to be sleeping in their "normal" beds.

So the real fun of the move is finally starting! We are close to narrowing down an area we would like to settle down within Charlotte. We have found a neighborhood and house that we would like to build in. I think right now I need another project like I need a hole in my head, but the timing would be great. Fortunately for us, Electrolux will buy out our home in Augusta within 60 days of being on the market. So we figure by the time that transaction takes place a brand new home will be built and ready for us to move into. See? Wouldn't you agree with me that's a sign from God that we should build? I thought so and somehow I've managed to get Chili to see the vision too!

Sometimes I feel like everything is still happening at warp speed and not sure if I'll ever get it under control. Then again, I am not sure I would have it any other way. Looking back to this time last year, we had just announced that we were expecting Jackson. Truth be told, I was excited about having another baby but I was secretly wishing we could somehow move and just start over in a new city with the new addition in our life. Wow, did I ever get my wish or what? So as much as the details can start taking over and make us feel bogged down I know that we are so fortunate to have this kind of activity. So on to the next decision I have to make today-Red or White?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Can Monday's get any crazier?

I have to say this was a pretty crazy day for all of us in the Coleman Clan. I was at work from 8am to 6pm (5p-6pm conference call to top it all off)and that was the easy part of the day! The good news is Hamilton seemed much happier today after his special weekend so that made my heart rest a little easier this evening.

When I came home after work I had to knock on the door so Chili could let me in. When I knocked I heard a little voice inside the house asking "PaPa?" "Is PaPa here?" Unfortunately for him it was just me, his Mama but I couldn't help but laugh. Then Chili and I spent all evening chasing him, feeding Jackson (who was screaming at the top of his lungs pretty much all night) and then it was time for the bath and another bottle. We somehow managed to get them to sleep just now.

I've been contemplating this blogging quite a bit. I have been trying to decide a way to spice things up a little and make it more appealing for my "readers" everywhere-and by readers right now I think it's safe to say just Chili and my Mama are the only ones reading this. Anyways, I was thinking of something along the lines of cooking through a cookbook through an entire year-you know, like the Julie/Julia movie? Well, since I mostly cook from the Paula Deen cookbooks I am afraid if I cooked through hers for a year then I would weigh 500 pounds in the end. Then my other favorite cookbook is the Tea Time at the Masters but somehow the title "Sara/Junior League of Augusta" just doesn't have a nice ring to it either. Of course there is the classic blogging of the weight loss struggle that I have had now for oh,about 15 years. Then I decided I might just start that blog next week. So for now I'll have to continue contemplating my ideas and writing about my daily life.

I suppose this is the time where I say goodnight. I have a "Bachelerotte: The Men Tell All" that has been TiVo'd and waiting for me.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Love it when the family comes to town!

Yesterday my parents decided to come visit for the day. I was SO thankful they stopped by while we were in Augusta organizing the house.

Hamilton (2 years old) had a pretty rotten week. He's not adjusting as well to his temporary housing in Charlotte as I was hoping he would.I know he'll get there slowly and probably will not remember most of this but that doesn't break my heart any less! It's hard enough for him going through his "terrible two's" without having to move-but Chili and I made a choice to move with Electrolux to Charlotte so we could make a better life for our boys (at least this is what I keep telling myself while Hamilton is crying at night and refusing to eat anything.)

So meanwhile Mama and Terry (my step-father) came to spend Saturday with us to help Hamilton feel a little better. It was such a blessing! I couldn't believe how much fun Hamilton had and by the end of the evening he was acting like the funny,sweet toddler that he normally is. And sweet little Jackson-he just loves it when Mama holds him all day!

Chili and I both love having our families around-that's one of the things I'll miss most about living in Charlotte.

Today we are packing up from Augusta and heading back to Charlotte for the week. Meanwhile our home in Augusta will be getting a much needed face-lift while we are gone. I am praying this will be an easier week for us as a family. We will just have to take it a day at a time and know that one day this will all be worth it!

The first day

Since everyone and their brother seems to have a blog I suppose I will just have to get one too! I was asking myself why in the world I would want my daily business posted out there and I came to realize this is such a special time in my life-I want to share it with everyone. I hope this will be a meaningful way to let everyone know the happenings of the Coleman family.

Life for me is a little chaotic and hectic right now but I am definitely not complaining. Chili and I have had a pretty tough couple of years but things are finally looking up. Chili is such an incredible husband and we have the 2 most precious boys a mother could ever ask for. I hope my posts will be able to reflect a tiny portion of the love I have for all 3 of them.

As most of you know I have recently been transferred to Charlotte,NC with my job (I work for Electrolux Major Appliances.) I have started a new position within the company and my new title is Category Manager for Dishwashers and Laundry. I specifically work on the Sears account. This will be my first job since college where I am not an Account Manager so I am REALLY looking forward to this new challenge. Not only are Chili and I learning a new city, new friends, new neighborhoods but I am learning a brand new job everyday. We are also in the process of selling our home in Augusta which has been quite an adventure while we are living in Charlotte in temporary housing!

So this is my first post to what I hope will be a string of many and maybe even provide a little entertainment to someone,somewhere.