Monday, July 26, 2010

Can Monday's get any crazier?

I have to say this was a pretty crazy day for all of us in the Coleman Clan. I was at work from 8am to 6pm (5p-6pm conference call to top it all off)and that was the easy part of the day! The good news is Hamilton seemed much happier today after his special weekend so that made my heart rest a little easier this evening.

When I came home after work I had to knock on the door so Chili could let me in. When I knocked I heard a little voice inside the house asking "PaPa?" "Is PaPa here?" Unfortunately for him it was just me, his Mama but I couldn't help but laugh. Then Chili and I spent all evening chasing him, feeding Jackson (who was screaming at the top of his lungs pretty much all night) and then it was time for the bath and another bottle. We somehow managed to get them to sleep just now.

I've been contemplating this blogging quite a bit. I have been trying to decide a way to spice things up a little and make it more appealing for my "readers" everywhere-and by readers right now I think it's safe to say just Chili and my Mama are the only ones reading this. Anyways, I was thinking of something along the lines of cooking through a cookbook through an entire year-you know, like the Julie/Julia movie? Well, since I mostly cook from the Paula Deen cookbooks I am afraid if I cooked through hers for a year then I would weigh 500 pounds in the end. Then my other favorite cookbook is the Tea Time at the Masters but somehow the title "Sara/Junior League of Augusta" just doesn't have a nice ring to it either. Of course there is the classic blogging of the weight loss struggle that I have had now for oh,about 15 years. Then I decided I might just start that blog next week. So for now I'll have to continue contemplating my ideas and writing about my daily life.

I suppose this is the time where I say goodnight. I have a "Bachelerotte: The Men Tell All" that has been TiVo'd and waiting for me.

1 comment:

  1. Love the Blog!!!! Want to hear all about life in Charlotte...need more pictures of temp house and as much information as possible. Hope you guys are doing well.

    Jeff Garrison
