So tonight I wind down another week, a week where I feel like I was able to mark a few items off my never-ending To-Do list. Rather than bore you with
all the details, I thought I would make a bullet list of the highlights (and a few lowlights) from this week:
1.Jackson is rolling over and getting stronger by the day
2.Hamilton taught his toy Woody a lesson in discipline-he put Woody in Time Out because apparently Woody wasn't cooperating with the bubble machine they were playing with.
3.We are officially under contract! The construction on our new home will begin Mid-September and supposedly we will be moved in by Christmas(I will believe that when I see it for myself.)
4.Chili had his resume completely revamped. He is working with a recruiting company Electrolux hired for Spouses of employees that were transfered. He will officially begin his job search here in Charlotte this week.
5.We all were able to find a place to get our haircut. Chili and Hamilton found an old-fashioned Barber Shop while I chose to have a cut/highlight job at a more contemporary place, shall we say. This is actually a really big deal for me. I was
dreading finding a new hair stylist in Charlotte but I can't believe I hit the jackpot my first time out!
6.I completed my first week of Weight Watchers and let's just say it did not have the result I was hoping it would have.
Allright, I can not let the last bullet point go without doing a little bit of explaining. I am sure some of you might be curious how I could have failed during my first week trying Weight Watchers. There is actually a slight bit of drama to report and I might have a tiny defense. First of all, I left my scale in Augusta and this is the scale that I originally weighed myself on last Sunday when I began the program. Today I went to Target to buy a new scale for the apartment here in Charlotte because I actually couldn't wait to weigh myself in-I thought for sure I had lost weight this week! Anyways, I get the scale home and I step on it, and I couldn't believe my eyes when it said I had
gained a pound. Of course I spent all day beating myself up, wondering where I went wrong, I researched the web-site to find "support" but nothing could cheer me up. Then I happened to notice the directions to the scale and how to calibrate it and apparently I can not read too well. First of all, I kid you not, it says you have to let the scale come to room temperature. Then you have to step on, step off, step on again and then do something else with it. Well my gosh, who wants to go through all of that for an $8 analog scale from Target? Needless to say, I do not think it's set correctly so I am just going to pretend that it's off and I lost at least a pound.
This week will also be my first business trip since last October. I will be in Chicago for 3 days/2 nights. I am looking forward to it because I will finally be able to meet some of the associates I talk with at Sears-plus I have the added benefit of starting the process of picking out the appliances I will be choosing for our new home (which I am sure is the main reason Electrolux is sending me up there, right?) While I am gone Chili will be taking care of the boys and helping us get our house ready to finally go on the market in Augusta.
I do have a few more items that I would like to discuss but I am afraid I will have to reserve it for another blog another time. I am ready to call it a week and get rested for what lies ahead. I hope everyone reading this has a great week, I know I will!